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Suite 7 Crystal House New Bedford Road Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1HS
01582 512 122

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    Frequently Asked Questions.

    An FAQ is knowledge base because it addresses the most common questions customers have and is useful to customers at all stages.

    Yes, we offer discounts for students on our Security Screening Services and online Staff Training Course . Our commitment to education includes providing affordable options for students seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in various fields. Contact us for more details on student discounts and enrolment procedures.

    Certainly! We offer reduced rates for registrations involving six or more employees. Take advantage of our discounted rates when registering a group exceeding six individuals and save on costs by enrolling multiple team members. Visit our website to view the prices we charge.

    Security firms prioritize rigorous screening and vetting for dependable staff, enhancing asset and people protection. Our trainers, equipped with current British standards, achieve a 100% certification success rate for trainees.

    No, we don’t offer refunds. Prior to selecting a course, please ensure to thoroughly review all details on our website about courses offered with their fixed prices to avoid any discrepancies